Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tuber Troll

This is what he looks like in color:

Gouache, Ink, and Watercolor

Oddly enough, I have a sweet potato that has sprouted in my kitchen.


adam said...


K. Feigenbaum said...

Adam: I see you are a man of many words. Thanks.

Mark Molnar said...

Love this one Kim - funny little bugger! Awesome colors and details as always.
Thanks for sharing! said...

He's so hideous yet loveable! Great piece :)

K. Feigenbaum said...

Mark: I appreciate your comments! I really tried to focus on color and lighting in this one without going too overboard with detail. Hopefully, there is some progress. Thanks for stopping by.

Mike: Thanks! I seem to be on a "cute, yet weird" trend in my monsters. I'm going to be participating in the Log Monster challenge on Art Order, but after that I'm planning to finish the mutant caterpillar. So, more of the same on the way. said...

Awesome! I plan on participating in the log challenge too. I look forward to seeing your entry, this should be a fun one.

trishkell said...

haha very nice!

Piya said...

He's really cute, in a twisted sort of way. I think I saw one of his relatives coming out of the kitchen at a restaurant I went to once. Never went back there again... Anywho, great painting!!